Kennett Square
Massage, LLC

The Ultimate Massage Therapy Experience
in Kennett Square, PA

A better year ahead!
Kennett Square Massage updated their status
February 22, 2021
DIY Scratch-Off cards for March with the help of @kennettcopy Now I just have to add a few layers of gold and we will be ready for the month of March!
#massage #massagetherapy #ksqmassage #visitkennettsquare #historickennettsquare #kennettsquarepa #kennettsquaremassage #kennettsquarelocalbusiness #kennettsquaremerchant #womanownedbusiness #shoplocal
March 20, 2021 ·
Made right here at #ksqmassage in #kennettsquarepa These #handmade #chakrabracelets are unique using the not so normal gemstones. Visit our website for a closer look! Adding more today!!
#massage #massagetherapy #womanownedbusinesses #kennettsquaremerchant #shopsmall #shoplocal #visitkennetgsquare #historickennettsquare #ksq
March 22, 2021 ·
We're hiring! PA licensed massage therapist! Part-time to full-time!
#nowhiring #ksqmassage #visitkennettsquare #historickennettsquare #kennettsquarepa #kennettsquaremassage #kennettsquarelocalbusinesses #kennettsquaremerchant #womanownedbusiness #covidsafe #rejuvenatedisinfectants
May 16, 2021
"With a little help from my friends" = With a LOT of help from my friend, John! The flower bed is getting an upgrade!
June, 2021
Welcome, Jillian! I am so happy to be a boss lady!
June 27, 2021
August 16, 2021 ·
The cold stones are back!
KSQ Massage Experience is 90 minutes of pure bliss! Introductory offer $125 September 14 - October 16
Code: Experience
#massagedoesabodygood #massage #ksqmassage #kennettsquaremassage #kennettsquaremerchant #kennettsquarelocalbusinesses #historickennettsquare #visitkennettsquare #kennettsquarepa #coldstonefacialmassage #JillianLee
September 17, 2021 ·
Apple Cinnamon water is back!!! Here's the recipe so you can make it at home too!
Boxes are starting to fill up! Adopt-a-family with KSQ Massage ends December 20th. Details of needs can be found on our website. www.ksqmassage.com/happenings
#givewhereyoulive #givinginkennettsquare #adoptafamilyforchristmas